happy monday everyone!
i would like to thank my fellow blogger,
Valencia Lia from
rollupyoursleeve for giving me this
award! thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
it really means alot to me when i get feedback from my loyal readers, whether it's good or bad, i like constructive criticism! with that said, i have to write
10 random facts about me:
1. i only can sleep on the left side of my bed.
2. i bite my nails.
3. my left leg is slightly longer than my right.
4. i was the spelling bee champion in elementary from 3rd-5th grade. undefeated! hehe.
5. i have a belly piercing.
6. i dream of one day being an investigative journalist.
7. favorite color is pink.
8. i have a heart shaped beauty mark on my right leg. (guess it makes up for the leg shortness lol)
9. i was originally a business major, but switched to journalism!
10. i LOVE disneyland! (but you already knew that!)
ok so now i have to tag 10 bloggers, but because i am a cheater and am running on time, i will do 5 for now (hehe):
you lovely ladies have been tagged! enjoy! and once again thank you to Valencia of
rollupyoursleeve for my award. DO CHECK OUT HER BLOG when you have time!