
baby gomez

...was the happiest day of my life!!! It just keeps getting better with this little one I tell ya'.

Yesterday was finally the day of our ultrasound. We were originally supposed to go on Tuesday but long story short, they messed up at the doctors office and we had to wait until yesterday. I was a little upset on Tuesday because I had been counting the days but yesterday was all worth it. Here is mini bear at 19 weeks, in 3D!
As I was laying in the little ultrasound bed waiting for the doctor to come in, I felt baby kick me hard. That was the first time I really felt a legitimate kick. I was shocked and so was Teddy (bf). Apparently baby was just as excited as we were. Then 2 minutes later, there he was again. Kicking me like there was no tomorrow. I can try to explain what I felt but I just can't. It's just so amazing and priceless. I felt goosebumps coming all over my body and I loved every minute of it.

When the doctor finally came in, I was beyond nervous. Aside from the fact that we were about to find out whether mini bear is a boy or girl, we were also there to see if baby was healthy and didn't have any abnormalities or birth defects. (I originally was against said ultrasound because I knew that no matter what, this baby was mine and I would love him/her. Regardless. But after talking it over with my doctor and Teddy, we all decided we should do it so that in the event that mini bear needed special care, we would have a team of doctors present and ready during the birth.) As the doctor began the ultrasound/test I could already feel myself shaking a little. I was nervous. But once I saw the little body come on the screen, all my nervousness turned to pure joy and excitement. The doctor began scanning the baby, stopping at every little inch of the baby's body and measuring, and noting how much kicking was taking place lol. When he was done with the measuring he announced that the baby was perfectly normal and healthy. I felt so relieved. And oh so very happy. Throughout the whole ultrasound baby kept kicking/punching and sucking on its tiny little hand. Its little arms were crossed in front of its tiny little face and that was just too adorable. Finally, the doctor asked if we wanted to know the sex. We both said yes immediately!!! And so the doctor announced that we are having a.... be continued.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how amazing!! we never got a 3d ultrasound, but i think they are so incredible! and those first kicks... there's nothing like it :) i hope you enjoy every second of your pregnancy!! aaaand i think you're having a... boy? girl? boy? i don't know!